As a personal trainer, the most common questions I get refer to weight loss: “How do I lose weight?”. I’ve listened to dozens of people say something to the effect, “I’ve tried diet X for 30 days and but I gained it back”, or “My friend does XYZ workout and he lots tons of weight but I can’t seem to”, or “I follow this girl on Instagram and she’s lost 30 lbs, but I do the same things with very different results.”
Sound familiar? Maybe you fall into that camp. Unfortunately despite what the infomercials tell you, there is no magic bullet for weight loss. While the general principals of maintaining an effective fitness regimen and wholesome diet is paramount in loosing weight. Everyone is different. It is important to remember that what, may not work for others. But there are 3 tips for weight loss success that are critical starting the weight loss journey. Regardless of the exact path you/we choose to go down, these three simple keys will help set you up for success. My clients who have been successful losing weight ALL do these:
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